09643250250 (10 AM - 6 PM)

Legal Status

aamarPay hereinafter referred as Soft Tech Innovation Ltd is an online payment gateway operating since 2015
  • Soft Tech Innovation Ltd (hereinafter also referred as 'aamarPay') incorporated as Private Limited company under the The Companies Act (Bangladesh) 1994 and registered under Joint Stock Registrar of Companies.

    Company registered at Chittagong, Bangladesh. Operating from Dhaka, Bangladesh having its Head / Principal Office.

    Soft Tech Innovation Ltd incorporated in the year of 2005 7th July as an Offshore Information Technology Company. Later diverse to Messaging business under Brand name: Muthofun Technologies Limited (a separate identity) & aamarPay - Online Payment Gateway of Bangladesh

    Now Soft Tech Innovation Ltd is a FinTech (Financial Technology) company focused on building state of the art financial technology platform, solution & products for Bangladesh market & later global market

  • Bangladesh Payment and Settlement Systems Regulations-2014 (BPSSR 2014) with a view to promoting, regulating and ensuring secured and efficient payment systems in Bangladesh. In accordance with the paragraph 2 and 3 of section 5.3 of Bangladesh Payment and Settlement Systems Regulations-2014, this ‘Approval Procedure of Payment System Operator (PSO)/Payment Service Provider (PSP)’ has been issued.

    To comply with Central Bank compliance & acknowledgment Soft Tech Innovation Ltd (aamarPay) has received Payment System Operator (PSO) License from Central Bank of Bangladesh

  • The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a widely accepted set of policies and procedures intended to optimize the security of credit, debit and cash card transactions and protect cardholders against misuse of their personal information. The PCI DSS was created jointly in 2004 by four major credit-card companies: Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.

    Soft Tech Innovation Ltd (hereinafter referred as aamarPay) is performing PCI-DSS compliance audit and security hardening to secure our customers and merchants data from any unusual breach or threat